Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank You Swine Flu

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the Swine Flu. Not one client has mentioned the economy for weeks. It just shows you the "CNN Effect". Planes turning back for a sneeze on board, schools closing in a panic, all this for what seems an over reaction on the part of the press.
Here is a suggestion for all those that have not been effected by the recovery:budget. Don't stop living or looking bad trying to save money, that is not going to bring back your 401K. The best of saving is budgeting. Make appointments in advance and budget towards it. It is like paying it forward. Now that is a good thought.
Make sure you get your money's worth. At the Roche Salon we have stepped up our services and sharpened our way of doing things to ensure the best in experiences.
Make your appointments with us on line at We love to have you with us and this is the painless way of ensuring your time. We will get back quick and call and remind you in advance. Add a Kerastase treatment to your request for services and we will compliment you that treatment from now to June 30.
Now that is service!
